Author: admin
The Crocus Project
B and 2D successfully completed The Crocus Project run by HETI (Holocaust Education Trust of Ireland). All across the world crocuses were sown in memory of the millions of children who died in the Holocaust. Well done 2D & 2B.
JCA trip to Athlone
The students got to spend the €100 book voucher they won for their Make a Book competition entry!
2nd Year Retreat
Ceramics in Art Class
Some beautiful ceramic pieces finished recently
The ‘Banagher Examiner’
Issue No. 2
Publication produced by TY’s and Ms. Gleeson
LCA Mosaic
The LCA’s have been working on a mosaic guided by local artist Aiden Byrne. The mosaic is titled ‘Angel of Hope’ . Thanks to Aidan Byrne for all his work with the students.
Each symbol has a story behind it.