1st Year Halloween Art Competition Winners
Pictured with our Head Boys & Girls are the Leaving Cert Prefects for 2021/22: Caoimhe Kelly, Abbie Walsh Graham, Chloe Loughnane, Tara Butler, Darragh Delaney Spollen, Diarmuid Kelly and Lorcan Troy. Go n-éirí an t-ádh libh go léir i rith na bliana.
Amazing work by the TY ‘Banagher Examiner’ team as part of their Cultural Studies class with expert guidance from Ms. Gleeson. The first edition will be available to all on Friday 22nd October. All the big news from BCCNS…
Our TY students visited the UL sports arena on Oct 7th to take part in some team building activities & trying out Ireland’s tallest climbing wall.
Our TY French students enjoyed watching a film on the 13th and 14th of October ‘en français’ in Birr as part of the OFFline film festival.
LC2 Geography Field trip with Mr. Nolan and Ms. Dennehy to Bishops Quarter and Black Head, Co. Clare in early October.
School Decorations for Halloween. Well done to the art department!
5th and 6th year Art Trip to the Hunt Museum and St. Mary’s Cathedral in Limerick at the start of October.
5th year art students collecting samples for an art project down at the river Shannon in Banagher.
Our LCA’s had an action packed day Canoeing on the River Shannon recently.
Guess The Language Game
1D Class were delighted that they were the winners of the Guess The Language Game for European Languages Day! Bravo
Mathvei was teaching 1A students some Russian to celebrate European Languages day
Well done to everybody who contributed to our beautiful Leaving Cert Graduation Mass in St Rynagh’s Church. The theme was
“A new beginning, not journey’s end.”
The recording is available for those who missed it. It can be viewed by clicking the image below.
After our Graduation Mass, the class of 2021 received their Graduation Certificates.
Ms MacMahon, 6th year year head, left a special message for the students graduating.
Among the display of pictures of the students from their first day in 1st year, were some pictures of our teachers as children. Can you spot them?!
Thanks to all who participated in the celebration of mass.
Thanks to Pat, Della and Majella for preparing some treats for our graduating students.